If you are playing along with us here is a prompt for today:
What multi-tasking items makes your life easier and more pleasant?

This Thursday we are thankful for a solution to a very common problem, messy mealtimes. As we have said before we live in a small apartment building and laundry is a process. Since it takes a bit to get it done we try to find ways to not have to do it as often. Buying Baby Love tons of clothes isn't really an option, so trying not to go through multiple costume changes in a day has become more of a reality. The biggest opponent of this would be the inevitable mealtime, lunch in particular. Lunch is a problem because there is still half of the day left and we usually have someplace to be before bedtime. Added to that is his love of all things "dip, dip, dip", which is at it's core the messiest of words in the toddler language. So without further ado I give you our newest love and reason to be thankful......
...for less than $4 you get a two-pack of these delightful little lifesavers. They were with the art supplies in the children's section (in case you want to rush out and pick some up for yourself). We have been searching for some for this supreme purpose and were elated and the affordability. After having them home for a day or two, and the request of spaghetti looming on the horizon, we thought:"why not?". Viola an object that can serve two purposes. Little loves, you will have a place in our home for a long time to come.

Play along with us! Every Thursday we will post something we are thankful for, and I would love it if you did so as well on your blogs. It is medicine for the soul to give thanks and when done regularly contentment comes into reach. And it can be anything silly, personal, or blog related. Just take a moment to give thanks!
1 Response
  1. Will it fit me? I could use a "lifesaver" ♥

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