One of the projects we worked on in our week absence was the addition of a table and chairs for baby love. We had been looking online, at consignment sales, craigslist, you name it we searched there. Being that our budget is squeaky tight we really didn't want to spend more than $30 on this addition. After much debate we made the trek to Ikea where we found our little lifesavers on accident and THE table and chairs.
Priced at $19.99 they fit our criteria for cost and were smaller than some of the other ensembles. After Abbey's pregnant self tested out the chairs they were approved for adult use as well. And from Drab and Sterile they were transformed to a pretty Fab little set. If we do say so ourselves.
Want to do it yourself? Here is what we did with a few tips and tricks included free of charge. <wink>
~We found a vintage map that we loved on this wonderful website with all sorts of vintage maps and animal prints.
~After saving the image to our computer we opened it with our favorite photo program of the moment, Picasa. In this program you can make the image into a poster and it will allow you to split the image, which we did, into four pieces.
~Then we printed the four pieces onto normal paper, having the image bleed over to the edge.
~Using Modge Podge
we quickly smothered the backs of the pieces of paper, lined them up and adhered them to the surface. We knew it would be almost impossible to keep it wrinkle free and loved the distressed look wrinkles can add to a finished project. So we pressed some of them out and embraced other sections that became very wrinkled.
~Using a large paint brush we spread Modge Podge
all over the top surface as well, even the surrounding sections that didn't have the map on them which ensured that the surface was level at the end of the project. Over two days we applied multiple layers, giving a great seal and gloss to the table top. At the end we realized, UH OH. Any wetness, aka spilled water cups from snack time, would make the surface sticky. We searched online, thank you google, and found many recommendations for using a spray adhesive,Krylon's Matte Finish 1311
, which we had on hand. After three layers of this the tabletop was sealed and ready for use.
Note: we did let it air out on our deck so the house didn't smell like fumes. Use your judgement on this aspect and don't keep it inside if it is still stinky.
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